More good news for Apple TV

“As usual, Apple doesn’t comment much on Apple TV but I see things ... MacDailyNews Take: The more content the better, but we’re spending more time using our 4K TV’s native apps for Netflix and Amazon Video lately as they stream content in 4K ... ( read original story ...)

Here Are The Best Apple TV Apps Of 2016

With the end of 2016 hurtling into view, Apple has decided the time is right to assemble its annual list of what its editorial team judges to be the finest games and apps available for Apple TV over the past 12 months. It’s a shame, perhaps, that Apple ... ( read original story ...)

Apple's new TV app has some sad shortcomings

For those of us who pine for a future in which we can watch whatever we want, whenever we want, on any device we want, Apple's new TV app is a step in the right direction, albeit a small one. Unfortunately, the TV app mostly shows just how far away from ... ( read original ...