Apple's first original TV show, "Planet of Apps," premiered its first episode this week. The show is essentially "Shark Tank" for app developers. They pitch their ideas to a roster of celebrity judges with the end goal of raising money from VC firm ... ( read original story ...)
Apple is laying the groundwork for a more advanced Apple TV
Apple is throwing its weight behind a more modern video standard, and it may pave the way for significant upgrades to the next Apple TV box. At its annual developer conference this week, WWDC, Apple announced widespread support for High Efficiency Video ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Hints At 4k TV
All we heard then was official confirmation of something we already knew: that Apple TV was finally getting an Amazon Video app. Since then, Apple has quietly revealed a few other tidbits about the next iteration of it Apple TV – most of which are so ... ( read original story ...)
Apple’s first foray into making a TV show is an unintentionally comical train wreck
(New episodes will be released every Tuesday.) Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly from Apple's first foray into TV entertainment. None of the hosts has ever developed an app. With the exception of Paltrow, whose company, Goop, built a travel app called ... ( read original story ...)
TV Review: Apple’s ‘Planet of the Apps’
These days, there’s an almost endless array of reasons for TV executives to feel anxiety, and for some time, one of the most ulcer-inducing prospects on the horizon was the idea of Apple diverting a sliver of its vast resources into making TV shows. ( read original story ...)
Apple’s first TV series ‘Planet of apps’ starts, will show what it takes to make an app
Apple Inc’s long-awaited move into original television series starts Tuesday, with a reality show about a universe that is key to the technology giant’s business: the world of app developers trying to bring their ideas to the masses. The 10-episode ... ( read original story ...)
iPad Pro 12.9in (2017) vs MacBook Air comparison review
It’s not cheap though, as the iPad Pro costs a similar amount to Apple’s MacBook Air – which begs the question, can an iPad Pro replace a Mac? We compare the iPad Pro to the (mid-2017) MacBook Air and decide for ourselves. Even though its called the ... ( read original story ...)