Is Apple building a Siri speaker? We might find out this week

it's also a safe bet we'll hear about software updates for the Apple TV, Apple Watch, and its in-car dashboard CarPlay as well. New Macs. Hand-in-hand with the usual software updates, rumour has it we can expect new Mac laptops, too — specifically ... ( read original story ...)

Best Apple TV Apps: Stream Your Favourite Contents on Smart TV

With Apple TV, watching television is a never-before experience. On your Apple TV, you can stream your favourite music, movies, television series, videos, photos and what not. In this new era, all you need is an appropriate app to watch whatever you like ... ( read original story ...)

7 ways Apple TV can get better

I like the Apple TV a lot. It's one of my favorite streaming media devices, coming in third place on my list after a couple of Rokus and ahead of Amazon's Fire TV Stick. There's still room for improvement, however. WWDC, Apple's big developer's conference ... ( read original story ...)