Why Apple’s HomePod May Be Flopping

We’re likely to see a more interesting integration with Apple TV as well. There may also be something called a HomePod Mini, with a smaller form factor and a smaller price. Given the timing and the competition, HomePod will never be the category killer ... ( read original story ...)

My Favorite Apple TV Apps

I haven’t seen much Apple TV discussion as of late. Most of the usual suspects have spent the past few months talking about the iPad, Apple’s education offerings, and the continuing mediocre state of the Mac. But I think it’s time to highlight a ... ( read original story ...)

Apple’s streaming TV service remains shrouded in mystery

It’s certainly no secret that Apple has grand ambitions in the TV streaming space. Over the past few months alone, the company has made a number of intriguing and notable series purchases. Two of the more prominent deals include a multi-million dollar ... ( read original story ...)