Apple today seeded the second beta of an upcoming watchOS 4.2.2 update to developers, one week after seeding the first beta and two weeks after releasing watchOS 4.2, an update that introduced support for Apple Pay Cash. Once the proper configuration ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Quiz Round 4: Everything iOS, iPhone, iPad & iPod
Q1 What software did PC owners use with iPods before iTunes? Musicmatch Jukebox. In 2002, Apple launched an iPod for Windows with Musicmatch software to help manage users' music library and transfer files. It was abandoned the following year when iTunes ... ( read original story ...)
Apple’s bold new plan to keep the Mac relevant could actually be a big sign that the iPad will replace it
If you need proof, just look at Apple's latest ad for the super-sized iPad Pro. In it, a neighbor asks a young girl what she's up to with her iPad Pro, which she calls a "computer." The girl responds with "what's a computer?" The message is clear ... ( read original story ...)
Apple 4K TV review: Slick little black box but here’s what the revamp is still missing
I'm a full-time member of the Apple club, I suppose. I have used iPhones for as long as I can remember and at home I have an iPad, a desktop Mac and a MacBook. I use iTunes and subscribe to Apple Music. I say these things not to reveal myself as a ... ( read ...
Review: ElevationLab’s DraftTable for the iPad Pro
What we lacked after the release of the Pencil was a stand specifically designed to hold the iPad Pro while drawing with a tool like the Apple Pencil. Again, most stands are not designed with the user putting pressure on the screen in mind. Also ... ( read original story ...)
Apple is reportedly merging iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps as early as next year
Apple plans to combine its various apps across its platforms into universal apps that work on all devices, Bloomberg reported. That would mean developers could make one app that works across iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Other companies, like Microsoft and ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Is Said to Have Plan to Combine IPhone, IPad, Mac Apps
Want more Access, Content & Connections? We are glad you are enjoying Advertising Age. To get uninterrupted access and additional benefits, become a member today. Apple Inc.'s iPhone and iPad introduced a novel way of interacting with computers: via easy ... ( read original story ...)