Apple iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi 128GB Tablet $299

Target HOT Deals Today has the lowest price deal for Apple iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi 128GB Tablet $299. It usually retails for over $499, which makes this a HOT Deal and $50 cheaper than the next best available price. ( read original story ...)

Every single product Apple rolled out in 2017

partly thanks to Apple releasing its most affordable new tablet ever. The new iPad starts at $329 with 32GB of storage, an A9 processor, Retina display and the same body as the original iPad Air (minus the mute switch). You can also buy models with built ... ( read original story ...)

AirPlay-Enabled Apps For Apple TV

If you are an iDevice owner, the Apple TV is a great little gadget to have. Not only does it let you access photos, music and video content in up to 1080p HD, it also expands what you can do with your iDevice. With AirPlay, you can stream content straight ... ( read original story ...