Apple Tv Remote Stand

If you own an Apple TV, you surely know how easy it is to lose track of the tiny remote. With this in mind, the guys over at Studio Neat thought: "If you always have a spot for it, maybe you won’t lose it”, so they created a simple "home base" for the ... ( read ...

Apple TV App Lands In The UK, Germany And France

The Apple TV app was previously only available in the US and a couple of other countries and now Apple has started to roll out the app to more countries. The app appeared in the iTunes store in the UK yesterday and also in some other European countries ... ( read original story ...)

Apple GymKit is coming to a treadmill near you

It’s been half a decade since Apple transitioned to the lighting connector, and still I regularly see the long-retired iPod 30-pin cable flopping off treadmill dashboards at gyms all around the country. It’s impossible to say how any of this will look ... ( read original story ...)