Tip: Access Google Play Movies & TV on Apple TV

There’s no Google Play Movies & TV app on Apple TV for some reason. But that doesn’t mean you can’t play your purchased content from the service on Apple TV. If you’ve been reading my site for a while, you know that I spend a disproportionate ... ( read original story ...)

When will Amazon Prime Video come to Apple TV?

AmazonVideoEngineer: It will be the same app with special optimizations and support for apple’s TV app. My team specializes in “unique” platforms, for example we worked on the Wii U app which was custom-tailored to the platform. You should not notice ... ( read original story ...)

Apple’s iOS 11.0.1 is Having Major Problems

That said if you have a perfectly functioning iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 10 or even iOS 11, I’d strongly suggest you hold off upgrading right now. While Apple began testing iOS 11.1 earlier this week that will take 4-6 weeks before launch ... ( read original story ...)