For Amazon Prime members the one glaring strike against Apple TV has been its inability to stream Amazon video content. But according to a Recode report, Apple and Amazon may be on the verge of putting their differences aside and will bring the Amazon ... ( read original story ...)
Apple TV will reportedly get Amazon's Video app this summer
The squabbling between Amazon and Apple might soon be over -- at least, on the TV front. Amazon's Video app might finally be heading to the Apple TV this summer, giving consumers an easy way to watch Amazon's streaming content on the set-top box, Recode ... ( read original story ...)
Why Investors Should Be Happy About Apple's Live Streaming TV Absence
Hulu this week finally revealed its new streaming service which comes with the full support of all the major networks, as each has ties to the company. The problem is that while Hulu’s service has advantages over its rivals, it still lacks a full roster ... ( read original story ...)
Apple iPad Pro 2 To Enter Mass Production In Q2 2017, Reports Claim
Apple is expected to roll out two iPad Pro 2 variants this year including one with a 12.9-inch display and the other with a smaller 10.5-inch display. Although the Cupertino-based tech giant has not revealed anything about the highly anticipated device ... ( read original story ...)
Imagination Technologies fights Apple over deal breaker that halved the British chipmaker's value
Apple has used Imagination's technology in its products from the time of the iPod, and it receives royalties from every sale of an Apple device containing its designs, including the iPhone and iPad. The potential loss of Apple, which accounts for about ... ( read original story ...)
Hulu humiliates Apple with Live TV app
When it comes to video subscription services, Apple is like the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. The company has consistently failed to achieve anything significant in the video subscription market. But wait, it has the “Planet of the Apps” show so ... ( read original story ...)
WWDC wish list: What we’d like to see from watchOS 4
In both of these examples, I don’t even have to touch the screen. Raise arm, look, lower arm. Done. So in the next iteration of watchOS, I hope Apple empowers app developers to make their experiences so fluid that I won’t be able to help loading a few ... ( read original story ...)