On Tuesday, Apple unveiled a new iPad model which will replace the iPad Air. It starts at $329 ... which has been billed as "the tablet that can replace your laptop." It boasts a 12.3-inch display, Intel Core processors, and can hold up to 1 TB of storage. ( read original story ...)
Apple TV review
Eventually the new Apple TV might be the revolution the Cupertino company promised it would be. But for right now, it's a middling streaming video player that has a premium remote and a price tag to match. If it existed in a bubble, Apple TV would be a ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Quietly Replaces iPad Air 2 With $329 iPad
It costs $329 and replaces the iPad Air 2 in the tablet lineup ... You may also be happy to hear it does retain the 3.5mm headphone jack. Apple decided not to offer a 64GB storage option, instead jumping to 128GB, which will cost $429. ( read original story ...)
Apple TV just became an enterprise hub for connected things
Hotels, colleges, enterprises and educators now have a really simple way to deploy Apple TVs across their business: new iOS management software from Jamf, which will introduce zero-day support for Apple’s upcoming iOS 10.3, macOS 10.12.4 and tvOS 10.2 ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Just Unveiled A New Lineup of Seriously Cool Hermès Watch Bands
Pairing with the Apple Watch Series 2 are four new Hermès leather watch bands ... Available starting today on apple.com and hermes.com, the Single Tour will retail for $339, the Double Tour for $489, and the Double Buckle Cuff for $689. ( read original story ...)
Apple iPad 9.7 (2017) vs Apple iPad Air 2: What's the difference?
The Air is dead. Long live the iPad. As with the MacBook, it seems Apple is wont to streamline its product labels by shaving off their distinguishing elements. Meet, then, the Apple iPad: a 9.7-inch device almost identical to the iPad Air 2. So, besides ... ( read original story ...)
Did Apple change its iPhone line-up? Well, sort of
Apple has been supporting (RED) as far back as 2006, when it unleashed a special edition iPod Nano. Through the years, the company has given more than $130 million to the cause, making Apple the single largest corporate donor. There are several other (RED ... ( read original story ...)