Here’s how. The “Gather round” Apple event starts at 10 a.m Pacific time on September 12. Watch on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch You can watch the event on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch using Safar... ( read original story ...)
Apple’s September 12 event: How to watch the keynote address live on iPhone, iPad and Windows 10 PC
Those who own any of the Apple devices that include iPhone, iPad, Mac or iPod here’s where you can stream the launch event. Users can watch Apple September 12 annual event on their iPhone, iPad or iPo... ( read original story ...)
5 Reasons Apple Is A Dividend Growth Dream Stock
AAPL Total Return Price data by YCharts As a result of introducing products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, Apple has managed to achieve sensational long-term total returns and become the first ... ( read original story ...)
How to Stream Apple’s Big iPhone Event on Wednesday
As Apple says on its official website for the September event, its stream “is best experienced on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch using Safari on iOS 10 or later; a Mac using Safari on macOS ... ( read original story ...)
How to watch Apple unveil a trio of new iPhones at its September 12 launch event
You can also watch the event on the Apple website, but you’ll need to use the right hardware and software. ‘This stream is best experienced on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using Safari on ... ( read original story ...)
Apple may finally release a new ‘low price’ laptop — and it likely won’t have its controversial touchscreen keyboard (AAPL)
As with the laptop, Apple may hold off until later this year to unveil the new iPod Pro model, rather than launching it on Wednesday. Kuo's research focuses on Asian technology companies that sell par... ( read original story ...)
10 Years After Jazzy Launch, It is Time For Apple to Reboot The MacBook Air
The then CEO of Apple, the late Steve Jobs ... there have been fairly exaggerated reports of the MacBook Air’s demise. The iPad Pro, with the Smart Keyboard, was supposed to usher in the next frontier ... ( read original story ...)