The evolution of the iPad

Apple, as usual, had the last laugh ... Technically the fifth-generation iteration of the device, the iPad Air was designed to pack even more power into a smaller and lighter package. The 64-bit processor opened new options for high-octane productivity ... ( read original story ...)

How to download a copy of everything Apple knows about you

Like Facebook and Google , Apple has a really simple way to download a file that shows all of the information that Apple knows about you. Apple has repeatedly said it doesn't store a lot of personal information about users, and I found that to be true. ( read original story ...)

Five products Apple needs to put to rest

with few decent options in-between. Apple could be the company to convince average home users that a NAS fits into their lives. I know, I know… “I love my iPod touch!” At the very least, it’s an affordable way to give young kids an “iPhone ... ( read original story ...)