Apple revealed the smaller iPad in 2012, while boasting users ‘can hold it in one hand’. ‘iPad mini is as thin as a pencil and as light as a pad of paper, yet packs a fast A5 chip, FaceTime HD and 5 megapixel iSight cameras and ultrafast wireless ... ( read original story ...)
No iPad Mini 5? Apple Will Phase Out The iPad Mini, Report Says
If you prefer the iPad Mini, there’s some bad news: The iPad Mini could be discontinued, BGR reported Tuesday. A source close to Apple told BGR the company could phase out the 7.9-inch tablet. The source did not specify when exactly the iPad Mini would ... ( read original story ...)
Apple to discontinue iPad mini as device gets squeezed from both ends
First introduced in 2012, Apple’s iPad mini was a welcome alternative to the much larger, thicker, and heavier 9.7-inch iPad. There was no 5.5-inch iPhone Plus, so the iPad mini made a great choice for light reading and effortless web browsing ... ( read original story ...)
Report: Apple Inc. Could Launch New 10.5-Inch iPad at WWDC
Compelling new iPad Pro models, such as the rumored upcoming 10.5-inch model, could do wonders in helping ... But that growth can only return in this scenario once Apple's iPad Mini shipments bottom out, either at some low figure or within a rounding ... ( read original story ...)
iPad 2017 quick review: More affordable, less futuristic
After releasing the iPad Air 2 in 2014 and iPad Mini 4 in 2015, Apple spent the last two years releasing iPad Pro models, without any updates to the Air and Mini line-up. Now, instead of releasing an iPad Air 2 successor, the company has scrapped the Air ... ( read original story ...)
iPad Mini 4 vs. Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 9.7 – What to Choose so Far?
It’s no secret that Apple and Samsung are the main leaders in the market, but is one better than the other? Today we will compare the iPad Mini 4 with Samsung’s Galaxy Tab S3 9.7, two tablets of comparable quality and value for money. Is one of them ... ( read original story ...)
iPad Mini 4 vs Galaxy Tab S3 – Which One Wins This Match?
A recent comparison between the Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 and the Apple iPad Mini 4 has become a hot topic these days. Both are tablets in nature, but there is always something that people might want to have that separates one from the other in terms of specs ... ( read original story ...)