Apple on January 13 shared a couple of new advertisement for the iPad Pro. The videos are titled "Augment Reality" and "Take Notes," are short and are both the commercials of not more than 15 seconds. The first advertisement focuses on the iPad Pro's ... ( read original story ...)
New iPad Pro ads highlight augmented reality and the Apple Pencil
Apple over the weekend released two new ads for the iPad Pro, one of which highlights augmented reality and another which focuses on what one can do with the Apple Pencil. Both ads are relatively short and arguably have an 80s themed vibe. The first ad ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Shares Two New iPad Pro Ads Focused on Apple Pencil and Augmented Reality
Apple today has shared two new iPad Pro ads titled Augment Reality and Take Notes. The short 15-second clips, set to the song "Go" by Louis The Child, are part of a larger campaign ongoing since last year. The first ad focuses on how the iPad Pro can run ... ( read original story ...)
Apple’s new iPad Pro ads tout augmented reality & mobile notetaking
Apple on Saturday released a pair of video ads for the iPad Pro, concentrating on some of the possibilities brought with September's iOS 11. The first, "Augment Reality," shows an actress using an ARKit-enhanced app to drop furniture into a public park. ( read original story ...)
What the iPhone, iPad, and iOS need in 2018
A whole lot of my wish-list items for iPhone and iPad got checked off. And yet, like a kid who got a bike under the tree and still immediately begins assembling a birthday wish list, it’s my job as a columnist to immediately ask Apple what it’s done ... ( read original story ...)
Apple iPad Pro 2018 Rumors: Tablet Getting iPhone X’s Face ID With LG’s Help
For its 2018 version of the iPad Pro, Apple tapped LG to help. According to a new report, the Redmond giant will looking to team up to team up with LG to bring Face ID to its next-generation tablet. LG Innotek is expected to supply 3D sensing modules not ... ( read original story ...)
Apple iPad Plays A Big Part In “Dillian’s Voice” Video
In April of 2016, Apple played a part in Autism Acceptance Month by having its iPad featured in a video with a young man by the name of Dillian using the iPad to communicate and deliver his graduation speech. Apple shared a few videos showing how the ... ( read original story ...)