Apple on Thursday published a series of six iPad commercials to its official YouTube channel, focusing on the new capabilities iOS 11 is set to deliver to tablet users this fall. Like other recent Apple ads, like the "How to Shoot on iPhone" series, today ... ( read original story ...)
Apple iPad Pro review: can it outshine the Surface Pro?
A screen upgrade would have been enough to net the new iPad Pro a perfect score, but the fact that Apple has stuffed in a host of additional upgrades means it's impossible not to recommend it. It's definitely top of the tree, easily the best product in its ... ( read original story ...)
Apple: iPad Smart Connector Accessories Coming Soon
It’s been nearly two years since Apple introduced the iPad Pro and its Smart Connector, and so far the only accessories we have are the Smart Keyboard and a couple products from Logitech. That’s about to change, according to Apple, and those new ... ( read original story ...)
New Apple Smart Connector accessories in works as the brand is working with companies for the same: Report
With the launch of the iPad Pro, Apple unveiled the Smart Connector that lets you pair the Smart Keyboard with the tablet rather seamlessly. However, despite the push from Apple, not many accessory makers are keen on the new technology and there have ... ( read original story ...)
iPad sales growth doesn’t herald a tablet-as-PC rush
Apple last week reported a 15% uptick in iPad sales, the tablet's first sign of growth in more than four years. But credit for the prosperity should probably go to Apple's lower-priced iPad, said one analyst - not to the company's campaign to convince ... ( read original story ...)
7 Apple iPad features for students when iOS 11 arrives
Apple's iOS 11 software is proving to be a major update. More specifically, if you're a student, you'll get a range of new features that should transform your iPad experience at home and in class. Apple's mobile operating system for iPhone and iPad is ... ( read original story ...)
Apple’s third-quarter earnings soar on the back of booming iPad sales
No new iPhone, no problem for Apple’s bottom line. The company just reported its third quarter results for fiscal year 2017 and they’re awfully good: $8.7 billion profit, or $1.67 per share, on revenue of $45.4 billion. That breaks down to 41 million ... ( read original story ...)