The new Apple iPad Pro, the 10.5-inch version unveiled at WWDC last month, will start selling in India from today. At a time when the tablet segment is pretty much becoming an Apple segment, with other manufacturers losing interest due to flagging sales ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Pencil review: A pricey but impressively accurate stylus for iPad Pro
Apple's 12.9-inch iPad Pro was unveiled in September 2015 with a brand-new accessory called the Apple Pencil, and Apple has since unveiled two smaller versions of the iPad Pro that can also use this accessory. In its broadest sense the Apple Pencil is a ... ( read original story ...)
Daily Deals: Save £140 on the Apple iPad Pro
Amazon UK Prime Day 2017 has been officially announced. Check our Amazon Prime Day page here. IGN Deals Facebook/Twitter Help us get to 5000 likes! Like our pages on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest deals straight to your news feed and also to ... ( read original story ...)
GST rollout impact: Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 6s, iPhone SE, iPad prices slashed
The GST rollout has begun, and thanks to the impact of the new tax slab, Apple slashed prices of its iPhones, Macs, and Apple Watch in India. The day GST regime was launched in India, Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, and iPhone SE ... ( read original story ...)
GST: Apple slashes prices for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac in India by up to 7.5%
The 32GB and 128GB iPad (Wi-Fi only) that were priced at Rs 28,900 and Rs 36,900 will now cost Rs 28,000 and Rs 35,700. Similarly, the 32GB and 128GB iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular) variants that were priced at Rs 34,900 and Rs 45,900 will now set you back by Rs ... ( read original story ...
GST impact: Apple slashes prices of iPhone, iPad, Mac and Watch in India
The GST rollout has begun, and thanks to the impact, Apple slashed prices of its iPhones, Macs, and Apple Watch in India. The day GST regime was launched in India, Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, and iPhone SE have officially got ... ( read original story ...)
GST rollout impact: Apple iPhone, iPad, Mac and Watch get price cuts
The GST rollout has begun, and thanks to the impact, Apple slashed prices of its iPhones, Macs, and Apple Watch in India. The day GST regime was launched in India, Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, and iPhone SE have officially got ... ( read original story ...)