Apple Releases Spectre Patches for Safari, macOS and iOS

Apple released iOS 11.2.2 software Monday for iPhones, iPads and iPod touch models that patch for the Spectre vulnerabilities. A macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 supplemental update was also released to bolster Spectre defenses in Apple’s Safari browser and ... ( read original story ...)

Curb child gadget addiction: Apple investors

NEW YORK — Two major Apple investors have urged the iPhone maker to help curb smartphone addiction among children, highlighting growing concern about the effects of gadgets and social media on youngsters. New York-based Jana Partners LLC and the ... ( read original story ...)

Apple Suddenly Makes New iOS 11 Update Essential

iOS 11.2.2 is here and it provides Apple with a much needed chance to change the script as it rolls out ‘mitigations’ to block the Meltdown and Spectre CPU flaws which affect the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. But it also only delays a bigger reckoning ... ( read original story ...)

Today in Apple history: HP’s iPod comes out of the blue

January 8, 2004: The clumsily titled Apple iPod + HP, a Hewlett-Packard branded iPod, makes it debut at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Shown off by Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, the prototype device is colored blue, the same color ... ( read original story ...)