ipod nano 6th generation watch 3d models

This is the result of that suggestion! I have yet to print it... +ready to render up to 5k resolutionArthurTnT´s Ipod nano 6th, contains:+Earphone (Apple Stereo Earphone With controller)+controllers+materials+textures+highpoly details+real... Case For The ... ( read original story ...)

An LI expert picks Apple’s most influential products

It turned out not to be the right thing, but it influenced a lot of things after." The iPod was "an MP3 player, like so many others at the time, but Apple took the concept and perfected it," Trapani said. iTunes in 2001 became the backbone for first the ... ( read original story ...)

Apple: You’ve Got This All Wrong

Apple's iPhone sales are not going to last forever, just like the iPod. The incredible growth opportunity in IoT has me looking at connected devices as the next big technology focus for the tech behemoth. Apple's vast clientele base and seemingly unlimited ... ( read original story ...)

Apple CEO Cook breathes new life into old iPhones

The iPod Mini, a svelte version of what was then Apple's flagship gadget, lasted just a year and a half. Jobs killed that product and replaced it with the iPad Nano, which was even smaller. That approach left Apple with a small product line-up that was ... ( read original story ...)

Apple iOS 11.1 Release: Should You Upgrade?

Note: Apple has now released roughly 3.5GB of iOS updates since ... there is no jailbreak for this release so if you like to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch stay away. When will jailbreakers eventually catch up to this flurry of iOS updates? ( read original story ...)

Apple Watch fills the void left by iPod

Hey, Siri, play some sad music. [MUSIC] I used to wear an iPod Nano on my wrist years before the Apple Watch existed. I liked it cuz I could listen to music on it, and I could also listen to radio. Apple Watch's latest music update does add the ability to ... ( read original ...