Apple has unveiled its new Apple Watch Series 7 with a new design and shape. The display now has a smaller 1.7mm border, while the device is 40% thinner versus Series 6. Apple Watch Series 7 is now 70 ...
Apple Watch Series 7 Features, Price, Release Date Announced
Apple Watch Series 7 has been announced along with its features, price and release date. Here's everything you need to know about it.
Apple Reveals Apple Watch Series 7, Featuring a Larger, More Advanced Display
Apple® today announced Apple Watch® Series 7, featuring a reengineered Always-On Retina® display with significantly more screen area and thinner borders, making it the largest and most advanced ...
Apple Watch Series 7 revealed with a bigger screen, faster charging, and new colours
APPLE has taken the wraps off its latest entry into the popular Apple Watch range. Dubbed Apple Watch Series 7, the new model has a bigger display, more durable case design, faster charging, and ...
WatchOS 8 rumors, coolest new Apple Watch features, release date and more
The Apple Watch is getting new messaging tools, a Mindfulness app and a new portrait-mode watch face. It's a preview of the new WatchOS 8 that could be released alongside the new Apple Watch Series 7.
watchOS 8 features, beta details, supported devices and everything coming to Apple Watch
A small but substantial update, here's what we've found so far for the newest software release to the Apple Watch.
WatchOS 8: Release date, best new features coming to Apple Watch
The Apple Watch is getting new messaging tools, a Mindfulness app and a new portrait-mode watch face. It's a preview of the new WatchOS 8 that could be released alongside the new Apple Watch Series 7.