A new tip suggests that there will be a "pairing" process before users can start using Zeiss optical inserts with Vision Pro.
Apple Vision Pro is for hipsters and hustlers, but who else?
Apple couldn't make the machines at scale, and would lose the PC wars to the makers of copycat beige boxes that ran MS-DOS and its successor, Windows. Within a year, Jobs would be ousted in a ...
Apple Vision Pro: Discover the Latest Firmware Update, VisionOS 1.0.1
Apple has recently rolled out the initial firmware update, VisionOS 1.0.1, for its cutting-edge augmented reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro. Developer Nicholas Alvarez brought this development to light. However, the specific enhancements introduced by ...
Ahead of launch, Apple updates visionOS to 1.01 for Vision Pro — but don’t expect it to have any brand new features on Feb 2
Apple Vision Pro will have a new 1.01 update ready to download once the headset is available from February 2, which will likely introduce bug fixes instead of new features.
最贵的电子垃圾?Vision Pro在一片唱衰声中被抢光 苹果市值再破 3 万亿美元
摘要:Vision Pro凭啥卖这么贵? 据苹果分析师郭明錤称,苹果在第一个预购周末已售出了 16 万至 18 万台 Vision Pro 头显。最新消息显示,首批苹果 Vision Pro 头显已发货,将于 2 月 2 日正式开始进行派送。 而就在当地时间周一,苹果市值再次突破 3 万亿美元,自 2021 年底和 2023 年 6 月底之后,这是苹果第三次市值达到这一里程碑。 尽管起售价已高达
苹果Apple Vision Pro应用有哪些? 产品应用信息一览
Apple Vision Pro,一款即将上市的新型空间计算机,引起了广泛关注。凭借强大的Apple M2处理器、沉浸式4K单眼显示屏以及多摄像头跟踪系统,这款设备为使用者提供了无限的空间来观看屏幕和3D内容并与之互动。 然而,尽管Vision
First Apple Vision Pro operating system update already available
Apple has made visionOS 1.0.1 available as a day-one update for Apple Vision Pro owners, likely with various bug fixes and minor changes. Since Apple Vision Pro hasn't officially launched to the public, Apple doesn't disclose when updates are available or ...