Apple has dropped a new Vision Pro ad just a few days before the launch of the new device. You can watch it above. The 70-second ad, posted on Apple’s YouTube channel on Sunday, has Supertramp’s 1974 ...
Does the Vision Pro work with glasses and contacts?
Apple has solutions to use the Vision Pro even if you need corrective lenses, but the headset won't work well for everyone.
New Details Reveal Apple Vision Pro’s Biggest Problem
With the Apple Vision Pro, Apple is about to learn an important lesson Microsoft tried to teach the world in 2006. It’s all about developers, developers, developers. Let’s put aside the number of apps that will run in an effective emulation window on ...
Apple’s biggest challenge yet… why patience, not sales, matters with for Vision Pro headset
Apple's $3,500 Vision Pro offers a glimpse into how the company plans to transform AR/VR into a mainstream product category in the years to come.
Apple Vision Pro – 8 reasons to buy it and 6 reasons to skip
For weeks now, I’ve been asking friends, relatives, and many strangers if they’ll buy an Apple Vision Pro mixed reality headset. The answers have ranged from an enthusiastic “Yes!” to an adamant “No”, with more than a few people having no idea ...
Scalped Vision Pro Pre-orders Have Sold for $6,000, But Justice May Yet Prevail
A number of scalped Apple Vision Pro pre-orders have sold on eBay for upwards of $6,000. When you just gotta have it, I guess money is no object for some. When Vision Pro pre-orders opened up on January 19th,
一台炒到10万元,库克带着Vision Pro冲向元宇宙荒漠
举例来说,有测评者对AppleTV+节目中的恐龙印象深刻。据描述,通过Vision Pro,能亲身感受到霸王龙走到身边、发出咕噜咕噜的声音。“这一刻,我希望永远也不要放下头显。”该参观者说。 的确,近两年来,曾经一度火爆的VR、AR市场,连带着背后的元宇宙逐渐被冷落。元宇宙、XR的热度,基本已经被横空出世的大模型所淹没。无论是国内还是国外,市场规模都在大幅度缩水;Meta、PICO等头部企业也都经历了一轮大裁员,产业步入困顿期。