Ahead of the launch of Apple’s Vision Pro on Friday, Zoom revealed today its upcoming visionOS app, which is set to release on February 2. The new app brings capabilities such as “persona” support for users to use a digital avatar during calls ...
The CEO behind Chinese startup XReal says its AR glasses will blow Apple’s Vision Pro out of the water. Here’s why.
Apple's Vision Pro headset is expected to revolutionize the market for mixed reality devices. But the CEO of XReal thinks its AR glasses will be a strong rival to Apple's device.The Chinese startup plans to offer a more affordable mixed-reality device.
Apple’s Vision Pro Era Begins. Will Consumers Buy In?
The company’s first new product in nearly a decade has received pushback from some app developers.
Apple shares new Vision Pro ad just days before launch
Apple has dropped a new Vision Pro ad just a few days before the launch of the new device. You can watch it above. The 70-second ad, posted on Apple’s YouTube channel on Sunday, has Supertramp’s 1974 ...
Does the Vision Pro work with glasses and contacts?
Apple has solutions to use the Vision Pro even if you need corrective lenses, but the headset won't work well for everyone.
New Details Reveal Apple Vision Pro’s Biggest Problem
With the Apple Vision Pro, Apple is about to learn an important lesson Microsoft tried to teach the world in 2006. It’s all about developers, developers, developers. Let’s put aside the number of apps that will run in an effective emulation window on ...
Apple’s biggest challenge yet… why patience, not sales, matters with for Vision Pro headset
Apple's $3,500 Vision Pro offers a glimpse into how the company plans to transform AR/VR into a mainstream product category in the years to come.