举例来说,有测评者对AppleTV+节目中的恐龙印象深刻。据描述,通过Vision Pro,能亲身感受到霸王龙走到身边、发出咕噜咕噜的声音。“这一刻,我希望永远也不要放下头显。”该参观者说。 的确,近两年来,曾经一度火爆的VR、AR市场,连带着背后的元宇宙逐渐被冷落。元宇宙、XR的热度,基本已经被横空出世的大模型所淹没。无论是国内还是国外,市场规模都在大幅度缩水;Meta、PICO等头部企业也都经历了一轮大裁员,产业步入困顿期。
拆解Vision Pro:苹果选择的另一条路
此前的1月19日,苹果公司在美国本土开启预售去年6月份推出的头戴式空间计算显示设备Vision Pro,这款产品被苹果公司寄予了未来十年能够取代iPhone(苹果公司手机)的厚望,尽管起售价高达3499美元(约合2.5万元人民币),Vision Pro仍迅速被抢购一空。
Netflix Not Developing App for Vision Pro Because Headset is ‘Subscale’ and ‘Not Relevant’ to Subscribers
When the Vision Pro launches, it will not feature some popular apps like Netflix, YouTube, or Spotify, with users instead relegated to ...
Apple Vision Pro is already a win for Apple & consumers
The new Apple Vision Pro is the first step into spatial computing and, more critically, the development of visionOS. So, shipping the product is a win for Apple, regardless of what Wall Street ...
A future Apple Vision Pro headset could sense when its weight is too much for your body to bear
The new patent suggests that Apple's future Vision Pro will sense the strain that it is causing on the wearer and then alert the wearer if it believes the strain is too much. The feature appears designed to allow future headset wearers to become aware of strains before they happen, preventing injury.
The best Vision Pro apps, from stargazing to dancing robots
Apple’s Vision Pro headset has the potential to open up an entirely new way of using your favorite apps thanks to its incredibly high-quality tech and gesture-based interactions. As the number of compatible apps slowly rises, you might be wondering which ...
Vision Pro马上到手,但还有一些大公司在“拆台”
距离 Vision Pro 正式线下取货仅剩一周,关于它的体验已经逐渐向外界披露。 以普通用户的视角来看,今天的 Vision Pro,还只是小众且昂贵的极客玩物,想要成为下一个 iPhone 走进普通用户手中,还有一些重大问题亟待解决。 作为硬件领域的 XR 设备天花板,最让外界担心的仍是 Vision Pro 的软件生态:苹果当然也清楚这一点,目前已经宣布包括微软 Office 系列办公软件、