Apple launched its Apple Watch Series 3 on 12 September, but you can get a bunch of new features on your existing watch - such as a range of new workouts and workout labels - for free, thanks to the new watchOS 4 operating system software. We got our first ... ( read original story ...
Hermès ups China digital game with launch of WeChat pop-up store
Wearable tech: an inside look at Apple and Hermès’ perfect marriage When clicking on “read more” at the bottom of the post, readers are taken directly to Hermes’ watch collection page which offers a detailed view of six models. The prices range ... ( read original story ...)
Apple’s WatchOS 4.1 update adds phone-less music streaming, GymKit
Got an Apple Watch? Apple just released WatchOS 4.1 for all users today, and the spotlight feature is support for GymKit. It enables the Apple Watch to pair with supported gym equipment, so you can track more accurate fitness data. GymKit allows two-way ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Releases watchOS 4.1 with New Radio App, LTE Apple Music Streaming
Today's iOS 11.1 and macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 software updates come along with a new stable software version of the watchOS operating system for Apple Watch devices, watchOS 4.1. Last week, we reported on the new features that Apple implemented in watchOS ... ( read original story ...)
Apple WatchOS 4.1 update: Music streaming, GymKit, and more
Apple isn't done doling out sweets on Halloween. Alongside the release of iOS 11.1, which brought new emoji and a patch for the KRACK vulnerability, Apple has launched WatchOS 4.1, the first major update to the WatchOS 4 operating system for Apple Watch. ( read original story ...)
Apple releases watchOS 4.1
Apple today released watchOS 4.1 which gives Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS + Cellular) users the ability to stream Apple Music and an iCloud Music Library. watchOS 4.1 also includes a redesigned Music app, and a new Radio app for streaming Beats 1 and other ... ( read original story ...)
Apple releases watchOS 4.1 with support for LTE music streaming on Apple Watch Series 3 with cellular
Delivering a feature that has been showcased in advertisements for the Apple Watch Series 3 since it launched in September, Apple on Tuesday released watchOS 4.1, giving users the ability to stream Apple Music and an iCloud Music Library without a phone ... ( read original story ...)