Apple has suspended its latest software update to Apple Watch after users complained that it made the smartwatches useless. Earlier this week, Apple released watchOS version 3.1.1 as an upgrade, but it immediately set off alarm bells with users who ... ( read original story ...)
WatchOS 3.1.1 bricks some Apple Watch devices, update temporarily pulled
Eager to hop on that watchOS update on your Apple Watch? You will have to wait a little as watchOS 3.1.1 has a bug that requires a trip to the Apple Store as a remedy. Apple pulled the update, which launched on Monday, after several users reported that it ... ( read original story ...)
Apple watchOS 3.1.1 Bricking Apple Watches, Update Temporarily Pulled
Apple launched watchOS 3.1.1 a few days ago with much fanfare, and just like it happens every time when Cupertino rolls out an update, customers rushed to download and install the new bits on their devices. But it turns out that the update rendered some ... ( read original story ...)
Review: Apple Watch Nike+ isn't much different from Series 2, and that's OK
What's the difference between the Apple Watch Series 2 and the special edition Apple Watch Nike+? Not much, including the price, which makes the exclusive Nike version of the wearable fitness device a solid candidate for runners. The Apple Watch Nike+ ... ( read original story ...)
Gift guide: Nike Apple Watch is slick bling for runners
The smartwatch market “took a tumble” in the third quarter, IDC reported this month. Google recently delayed the new version of its Android Wear; once-hot Pebble quietly sold to Fitbit; and Apple has been hit the hardest, shipping 70% fewer Apple Watch ... ( read original story ...)
Apple releases updates for iOS, watchOS, and tvOS
On Monday, Apple decided to start the week off with operating system updates. The company released iOS 10.2, watchOS 3.1.1, and tvOS 10.1 to the general public. Each update is available as an over-the-air download. Before installing the updates, it’s a ... ( read original story ...)
Apple Releases watchOS 3.1.1 With Bug Fixes, Performance Improvements and New Emoji
Apple today released a new software update for the Apple Watch, upgrading watchOS 3.1 to watchOS 3.1.1. The watchOS 3.1.1 update comes more than two months after thewatchOS 3 was provided to the public in September and marks the second update to the ... ( read original story ...)